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This How To will describe how to create an instnace instance of DANOS in openstack for functional testing and training. The VNF would image will be a 4 vcpu, 4096 GB memory , 8 GB disk glance image with 4 network connections that could be used to spin up a Danos VRR for testing. The vcpu/memory/disk simply matches the assumptions for the iso. The 4 network ports a sufficient for testing with 1 external port for OA&M and 3 internal networks for demonstrating flows. Following the steps additional networks can be attached.

The intent is that the vRR could be reached via ssh/netconf for configuration on the external port and the 3 other ports are for flow and feature functional testing. This configuration is not for throughput testing but rather to get familiar with the features and functions in a functioning Danos Virtual Router.

At a high level we are creating a glance image from the iso by creating a virtual server, installing the danos image , detaching the disk image and then creating a workin working vRR from the disk image using the flavor that has the netowrk/vcpevcpu/memory/disk settings that match our test assumptions.


Note: After the ports are created you will be coming back into the ports on these network networks to Disable “Port Security”

B. Flavor

create Create a flavor that matches the final image we want:
4096 GB Memory
4 vcpu
1 disk with size 8 GB

C. Load ISO

download Download the iso to your devstack/openstack environment
TODO: how to add cloud-init / heat utilities to iso / image


| ID | Name | Status | Size | Attached to |
| 21133635-433f-4411-8a40-9fbca1a59a07 | danosVRRVolume | in-use | 8 | Attached to danosVRRFromISO on /dev/vda |

openstack volume list

| ID | Name | Status | Size | Attached to |
| 21133635-433f-4411-8a40-9fbca1a59a07 | danosVRRVolume | available | 8 | |


L. Use horizon to create a server from the new glance image using the flavor created in step bB.

Select the volume
Select the flavor
Add the 4 networks (public, private-01,private-02,private-03)
Deselect the Seurity Security Group
No keypair (since we will login via vyatta/vyatta without cloud-init being used to upload keys)

M. Use horizon instance console to log into the new instance


O. Add configruation for the 3 others ports on the private networks using ip address from horizon

set interfaces dataplane dp0s4 address
set interfaces dataplane dp0s5 address
set interfaces dataplane dp0s6 address
show interfaces


For testing create two instances of a ubuntu server (18.0.4 for example)

trafficSource with an external and private network for source (private-01)


ubuntu@traaficsink:~$ sudo su
sudo: unable to resolve host traficsinktraaficsink
root@traaficsink:/home/ubuntu# ip route add via
root@traaficsink:/home/ubuntu# ip route add via
root@traaficsink:/home/ubuntu# ip route list
default via dev ens3 dev ens3 proto kernel scope link src via dev ens4 dev ens4 proto kernel scope link src via dev ens4

You should now be able to ping trafficSink ( from the trafficSource and vice versa

root@trafficsourceroot@traafficsource:/home/ubuntu# ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=63 time=6.19 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=63 time=2.62 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=63 time=3.03 ms
--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2002ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 2.620/3.947/6.192/1.596 ms


100 allow tcp 0 0
condition - proto tcp to port 80

curl Curl from trafficSource should still work.


100 drop tcp 0 0
condition - proto tcp to port 80

Curl should now be blocked lets see how many packets are dropped.

on danos

show firewall dp0s4
