Carrier Grade NAT (CGNAT)
Simple Example
Required Configuration
Address-group to match subscriber (source) addresses
set resources group address-group AG_MATCH1
set resources group address-group AG_MATCH1 address
set resources group address-group AG_MATCH1 address-range to
set resources group address-group AG_MATCH1 address |
NAT Pool to specify Public Addresses and how they are Allocated
set service nat pool NAT_POOL1 entry RANGE1 ip-address range start
set service nat pool NAT_POOL1 entry RANGE1 ip-address range end
set service nat pool NAT_POOL1 entry RANGE2 ip-address prefix
set service nat pool NAT_POOL1 type CGNAT
set service nat pool NAT_POOL1 address-allocation round-robin
set service nat pool NAT_POOL1 address-pooling paired
set service nat pool NAT_POOL1 port dynamic-block-allocation block-size 128
set service nat pool NAT_POOL1 port dynamic-block-allocation max-blocks-per-subscriber 8
set service nat pool NAT_POOL1 port allocation sequential
set service nat pool NAT_POOL1 port range start 1024
set service nat pool NAT_POOL1 port range end 65535 |
CGNAT Policy pulls together the 'match' address-group and the NAT pool
set service nat cgnat policy POLICY1 match source address-group AG_MATCH1
set service nat cgnat policy POLICY1 priority 10
set service nat cgnat policy POLICY1 translation pool NAT_POOL1 |
Assign the CGNAT Policy to the interface which routes to the external network
set service nat cgnat interface dp0p1s2 policy POLICY1 |
Optional Configuration
Session Timeouts
set service nat cgnat session-timeout tcp partially-open 240
set service nat cgnat session-timeout udp partially-open 240
set service nat cgnat session-timeout other partially-open 20
set service nat cgnat session-timeout udp established 1800
set service nat cgnat session-timeout tcp established 1800
set service nat cgnat session-timeout other established 30 |
Per-port established-state timeouts are available per port
set service nat cgnat session-timeout tcp port 53 established 10 |
set service nat cgnat log event subscriber
set service nat cgnat log event session
set service nat cgnat log event resource-constraint
set service nat cgnat log event port-block-allocation
set service nat pool NAT_POOL1 select event port-block-allocation
set service nat cgnat policy POLICY1 select event session all-subscribers
set service nat cgnat policy POLICY1 select event session creation
set service nat cgnat policy POLICY1 select event session deletion
set service nat cgnat policy POLICY1 select event subscriber |
Note that enabling session logging will switch CGNAT to record destination address and port in sub-sessions (2-tuple sessions in tables within 3-tuple sessions). This will affect performance.
set resources group address-group <name>
CGNAT uses an address-group to match inside subscriber source addresses.
Parameter | Format | Description | Details |
address | <h:h:h:h:h:h:h:h/x> | IPv6 subnet to match | not applicable for CGNAT |
<h:h:h:h:h:h:h:h> | IPv6 address to match | not applicable for CGNAT | |
<x.x.x.x/x> | IP subnet to match | The first and last addresses in the prefix will be matched. For example, will match address range to | |
<x.x.x.x> | IP address to match | ||
address-range | <h:h:h:h:h:h:h:h> to <h:h:h:h:h:h:h:h> | IPv6 address | not applicable for CGNAT |
<x.x.x.x> to <x.x.x.x> | IPv4 address | ||
description | <text> | Address-group description |
set service nat pool <name>
A NAT pool is used to specify the public addresses that CGNAT will use to translate inside source addresses to.
Command | Format | Details |
entry <range-name> ip-address range start | <x.x.x.x> | IPv4 Address |
entry <range-name> ip-address range end | <x.x.x.x> | IPv4 Address |
entry <range-name> ip-address prefix | <x.x.x.x/x> | IPv4 address and mask. First and last addresses are used provided they are not '.0' or '.255'. For example, would give range |
entry <range-name> ip-address subnet | <x.x.x.x/x> | IPv4 subnet and mask. First and last addresses are never used. For example, would give range |
type | CGNAT | Only option. Required for future compatibility. |
address-allocation | round-robin | Addresses are allocated from the NAT pool in a round-robin fashion. Only option. Required for future compatibility. |
address-pooling | paired | Internal IP addresses are paired with external IP addresses. An internal IP address will never use more than one external IP address at any given time. Only option. Required for future compatibility. |
port dynamic-block-allocation block-size | <64..4096> | The number of ports in a block (multiple of 64 only). |
port dynamic-block-allocation max-blocks-per-subscriber | <1..32> | Maximum number of port-blocks per subscriber |
port allocation | random | Allocate ports randomly from within the current 'active' port-block. |
sequential | Allocate ports sequentially from within the current 'active' port-block. | |
port range start | <0..65535> | Start of port rang. It is recommended that this is set no lower than 1024. |
range end | <0..65535> | End of port range. |
blacklist address-group | <addr-grp-name> | The address-group identifying the pool addresses being blacklisted. Adding external IP addresses or prefixes to a blacklist address group will cause sessions creating using that external address to be cleared, and for that address to no longer be used to create new sessions. It is useful on a live system where the administrator wants to prevent an address in the NAT pool form being used for CGNAT mappings. This has an advantage over reconfiguring the NAT pool range to exclude that address in that reconfiguring the NAT pool range will cause all sessions using that NAT pool to be torn down. |
set service nat cgnat policy <name>
A CGNAT policy ties together an address-group for matching inside source addresses with a NAT pool for specifying the set of external public addresses to use. A CGNAT policy is the thing that is attached to an interface,
Command | Format | Description |
match source address-group | <addr-grp-name> | Address group name |
translation pool | <nat-pool-name> | NAT pool name |
priority | <1..9999> | The priority of CGNAT policy. Multiple CGNAT policies on an interface are evaluated in order of priority, with the lowest numerical priority first. |
set service cgnat session-timeout
Established-state timeout values may be configured per port (a destination port in outbound traffic).
other | partially-open | <10..240> | Non-TCP/UDP 'partially-open' timeout in seconds |
established | <30..1800> | Non-TCP/UDP 'established' timeout in seconds | |
udp | partially-open | <10..240> | UDP 'partially-open' timeout in seconds |
established | <30..1800> | UDP 'established' timeout in seconds | |
tcp | partially-open | <10..240> | TCP 'partially-open' timeout in seconds |
partially-closed | <10..240> | TCP 'partially-closed' timeout in seconds | |
established | <30..14400> | TCP 'established' timeout in seconds |
Other configuration commands
set service cgnat ...
cpu-affinity event session | <0..65535> | Number of the core to process session events on |
disable-hairpinning | Disable hairpinning in CGNAT device | |
export event ... | Used to control logging | |
max-dest-per-session | <1..64> | Max number of destination records that can be associated with a session |
max-sessions | <1..33554432> | System-wide maximum number of sessions |
select warning event resource-constraint ... | ||
snat-alg-bypass | Enable SNAT ALG traffic to bypass CGNAT |
Operational Commands
show cgnat summary
The error and summary statistics will count every packet that matches either of the following two criteria:
outbound packet whose source address matches a CGNAT policy, or
inbound packet who's destination address is a CGNAT public address
CGNAT Summary
Active sessions 2
Sessions created ~2
Sessions destroyed ~0
Active sub-sessions 4
Sub-sessions created ~4
Sub-sessions destroyed ~0
Maximum table size 33554432
Table full No
Public address mapping table:
Used 2
Subscriber address table:
Used 2
Max 65536
Translated packets ~12
bytes ~336
Did not match CGNAT policy 0
Untranslatable packets 0
Hairpinned packets 0
Translated packets ~0
bytes ~0
Unknown source addr or port ~0
Did not match CGNAT session 0
Did not match CGNAT pool 0
Session hash tables:
Created 1
Destroyed 0
PCP sessions created 0
PCP errors 0
Memory allocation failures 0
Resource limitation failures 0
Thread contention errors 0
Packet buffer errors 0
Counts marked with a tilde (~) are approximate. These are collated from each CGNAT policy every time the "show cgnat summary" command is run. The policy counts are only updated approximately every 20 secs from similar counts in the subscriber data structures.
Sessions | |
Active sessions | Active sessions. An original global atomic counter. This is not simply 'sessions created less sessions destroyed'. |
Sessions created | Sum of 'sessions created' counts on all CGNAT policies. |
Sessions destroyed | Sum of 'sessions destroyed' counts on all CGNAT policies. |
Active sub-sessions | Count of current sub-sessions. An original global atomic counter. This is not simply 'sub-sessions created less sub-sessions destroyed'. |
Sub-sessions created | Sum of 'sub-sessions created' counts on all CGNAT policies. |
Sub-sessions destroyed | Sum of 'sub-sessions destroyed' counts on all CGNAT policies. |
Maximum table size | Configurable maximum session table size. (This value applies to sessions, not sessions plus sub-sessions) |
Table full | Set when the 'active sessions' count exceeds 'Maximum table size'. |
Public address mapping table | |
Used | Active public addresses in use by CGNAT. An original global atomic counter. There is no maximum value for this table. Its size is constrained by the number of addresses in the NAT pool used by CGNAT. |
Subscriber address table | |
Used | Active CGNAT subscribers. An original global atomic counter. |
Max | Maximum CGNAT subscribers allowed in the subscriber address table. Configurable. Default 64k. |
Out | |
Translated packets | Count of outbound packets translated. Sum of 'Out packets' counts on all CGNAT policies. |
Translated bytes | Total byte count of the outbound translated packets. (IP header and payload). Sum of 'Out bytes' counts on all CGNAT policies. |
Did not match CGNAT policy | Subscriber address did not match any CGNAT policy on the outbound interface. |
Untranslatable packets | Untranslatable packets. Sum of error counts 'Untranslatable IP protocol' and 'Untranslatable ICMP message' |
Hairpinned packets | Count of hairpinned packets. |
In | |
Translated packets | Count of inbound packets translated. Sum of 'In packets' counts on all CGNAT policies. |
Translated bytes | Total byte count of the inbound translated packets. (IP header and payload). Sum of 'In bytes' counts on all CGNAT policies. |
Unknown source addr or port | Sum of 'In, unknown source' counts on all CGNAT policies. Counts inbound packets whose dest address and port have matched a session, but whose source address and port have failed to match a sub-session. Only applies when sub-sessions are being recorded for this session. |
Did not match CGNAT session | Destination address, port and protocol did not match a CGNAT session and the destination address does not match a CGNAT public address. |
Did not match CGNAT pool | Destination address does not match a CGNAT public address. |
Session Hash Tables | |
Created | A hash table may be created for each main session in order to store sub-sessions if:
Creation and maintenance of these tables is an expensive operation. If many hash tables are being created and destroyed then performance may degrade somewhat. These counters are designed to provide some indication that this may be occurring. Typically multiple sub-sessions per main session will occur with peer-to-peer gaming. |
Destroyed | |
PCP sessions created | Sessions created by the Port Control Protocol |
PCP errors | Failures when trying to create a PCP session. |
Memory allocation failures | Sum of all memory allocation failures. Use "show cgnat error" to see details. |
Resource limitation failures | Sum of all resource limitation failures. Use "show cgnat error" to see details. |
Thread contention errors | Sum of all thread contention errors. Use "show cgnat error" to see details. |
Packet buffer errors | Sum of all packet buffer errors. Use "show cgnat error" to see details. |
show cgnat error
$ show cgnat error
CGNAT Global Counts In Out
Unable to translate packet:
Subscriber address did not match a CGNAT policy 0 0
Packet did not match a CGNAT session 0 0
Destination address did not match CGNAT pool 0 0
CGNAT bypassed by SNAT-ALG packets 0 0
Untranslatable IP protocol 0 0
Untranslatable ICMP message 0 0
Resource limitations:
Subscriber port-block limit 0 0
No free port-blocks on selected public address 0 0
No free public addresses in NAT pool 0 0
Subscriber table full 0 0
Session table full 0 0
Dest session table full 0 0
Memory allocation failures:
Failed to allocate session 0 0
Failed to allocate destination session 0 0
Failed to allocate port block 0 0
Failed to allocate public address 0 0
Failed to allocate subscriber address 0 0
Thread contention errors:
Lost race to insert session into table 0 0
Lost race to insert destination session into table 0 0
Subscriber address destroyed while waiting for lock 0 0
Packet buffer errors:
IP header not available in message buffer 0 0
L4 header not available in message buffer 0 0
Prepare message buffer for header change failed 0 0
PCP errors: .
PCP invalid or missing argument 0 0
PCP public address and port not available 0 0
ICMP Echo Request for CGNAT public address 0 0
Unknown 0 0 |
N/A = Means that count is not applicable in this direction
OK = Means that count is applicable in this direction
Unable to translate packet: | In | Out | Comment |
Subscriber address did not match a CGNAT policy | N/A | OK | Subscriber address did not match a CGNAT policy |
Packet did not match a CGNAT session | OK | N/A | Inbound pkts that do not match a CGNAT session and whose dest addr does match a CGNAT policy. These are dropped. |
Destination address did not match CGNAT pool | OK | N/A | Inbound pkts that do not match a CGNAT session and whose dest addr does not match a CGNAT policy. These are forwarded untranslated. |
CGNAT bypassed by SNAT-ALG packets | N/A | OK | Pkt do not match a CGNAT session and does not match a CGNAT policy and SNAT is cfgd and pkt matches an ALG session or tuple. Pkt is forwarded unchanged. |
Untranslatable IP protocol | OK | OK | Protocol is not one of the following: TCP, UDP, UDP-lite, DCCP or ICMP |
Untranslatable ICMP message | OK | OK | ICMP type is not one of: echo-req, echo-reply, dest unreach, redirect, time-exceeded, or parameter-problem |
Resource limitations: | |||
Subscriber port-block limit | N/A | OK | CGNAT policy config contains the max number of port-blocks that anyone subscriber may use at any one time. Once this is reached, further mapping requests will fail, and this count will increment. |
No free port-blocks on the selected public address | N/A | OK | Counts mapping failures that occur when a subscriber is within his port-block limit but there are no free port-blocks on the paired public address. This can occur when 1. the max port-blocks per subscriber and port-block size equate to more than 64512 ports, or 2. More than one subscriber is using the same public address, which will occur if there are totally unused public addresses. |
No free public addresses in NAT pool | N/A | OK | All port-blocks on all public addresses are in use. This only affects new subscribers, i.e. subscribers that do not already have a paired public address. |
Subscriber table full | N/A | OK | Affects new subscribers. The size of the subscriber hash table is configurable. Default is 64k. |
Session table full | N/A | OK | Max number of main sessions (tuple is: source/subscriber addr, source port, and protocol aka 3-tuple session). The size of the session table is configurable. Default is 32m. |
Dest session table full | N/A | OK | Max number of destination records, or sub-sessions, per main session. Configurable. Default is 64. The tuple is a destination address and port. |
Memory allocation failures: | Note that there can be a delay between a chunk of memory no longer being visible in a show output and the memory for that chunk actually being freed. Background garbage collectors and RCU callbacks mean this delay can be in the order of tens of seconds. | ||
Failed to allocate session | N/A | OK | |
Failed to allocate destination session | N/A | OK | |
Failed to allocate port block | N/A | OK | |
Failed to allocate public address | N/A | OK | |
Failed to allocate subscriber address | N/A | OK | |
Thread contention errors: | |||
Lost race to insert session into table | N/A | OK | This occurs if two forwarding threads both try and create an identical session (src addr, src port, and protocol) at the same time. The first to be added to the session table 'wins' the race. The losing thread will drop the packet and release the mapping it had previously obtained. |
Lost race to insert destination session into table | N/A | OK | This occurs if two forwarding threads both try and create an identical sub-session (dest addr, dest port) on the same main session at the same time. The first to be added to the sub-session table 'wins' the race. The losing thread will drop the packet. |
Public address destroyed while waiting for lock | N/A | N/A | No longer applicable. |
Subscriber address destroyed while waiting for lock | N/A | OK | This may occur if two forwarding threads try and create new mappings for the same subscriber while at the same time the subscriber table is being cleared. This is unlikely ever to occur. |
Packet buffer errors: | |||
IP header not available in message buffer | OK | OK | Pkt does not contain all of the IP header. (Note that the system reassembles IP fragments before CGNAT sees the pkt). |
L4 header not available in message buffer | OK | OK | Pkt does not contain all of the layer 4 header (e.g. TCP, UDP etc.). This can also apply to pkts embedded within ICMP error messages. i.e. we will attempt to translate any such embedded pkts if there is enough of the pkt to allow us to do so. |
Prepare message buffer for header change failed | OK | OK | It is possible for the system to receive a pkt into multiple pkt buffers. CGNAT will detect this and attempt to coalesce these such that the l3 and l4 headers are in the same pkt buffer. If this fails then the pkt is dropped. This typically happens when there are no pkt buffers in the buffer pool. |
Cannot advance beyond end of message buffer | N/A | N/A | No longer applicable. |
PCP errors: | In/Out direction is meaningless for PCP. We store any errors in the 'Out' counter for convenience. | ||
PCP invalid or missing argument | N/A | OK | |
PCP public address and port not available | N/A | OK | |
Other: | |||
ICMP Echo Request for CGNAT public address | OK | N/A | An ICMP echo request has been sent to a CGNAT public address, and no CGNAT session exists for that flow. Reply with an ICMP echo-reply and drop the request pkt. This is not actually an error. No translation takes place. |
Unknown | Should never occur. |
show nat pool
v@vm-rtr2-1:~$ show nat pool
Active Yes
Type cgnat
User count 1
User addresses 29
Address pooling paired
Address allocation round-robin
Address count 79
Contention ratio 1:2.72
Address Ranges:
RANGE2 (prefix)
Range -
Address count 16
RANGE1 (range)
Range -
Address count 63
Last Allocated Address:
TCP none
Other none
Port allocation sequential
Port range 1024-65535
Port count 64512
Port-block size 128
Max port-blocks per user 8
Log port-block allocation Yes
Log all No
Translation Mappings:
Active 2
Total requests 2
Ok 2
Failed 0
Port Block Allocation:
Active 2
Total 2
Total Freed 0
Total Failures 0
Failures exceeding max 0 |
Active | Yes/No. A NAT pool may become inactive momentarily as it is reconfigured or deleted |
Type | Always 'cgnat' |
User count | Number of CGNAT policies using this NAT pool |
User addresses | Number of subscribers using this NAT pool. This is derived from CGNAT policy 'Match' config |
Addresses: | |
Address pooling | Always 'paired'. (more options may be available in a future release) |
Address allocation | Always 'round-robin' |
Address count | Number of addresses in the pool |
Contention ratio | Ratio of subscribers to pool addresses. 2.72 means there are 2.72 subscriber addresses for every pool address |
Address Ranges: | |
name (type) | There are two types: 'prefix' and 'range' |
Range | First and last address in the configured prefix or range |
Address count | Number of addresses in the range |
Prefix | If type is 'prefix' then this shows the configured prefix and mask value. The first and last addresses in the prefix are included provided they are not equivalent to .0 or .255, respectively. |
Last Allocated Address: | Each eligible port of every pool address may be used separately for TCP, UDP and 'other' (where other is ICMP, UDP-lite and DCCP). So if port 1024 is used by subscriber 'A' for TCP then port 1024 will also be available to subscriber 'A' for UDP. |
TCP | |
UDP | |
Other | |
Ports: | |
Port allocation | 'sequential' or 'random'. Configurable. Determines how ports are allocated from the current port-block in-use my a subscriber. |
Port range | Port range per pool address that may be used to create mappings. Max range is 1024 - 65535. |
Port count | Number of ports in the port range. |
Port-block size | Port-block size. Configurable. |
Max port-blocks per user | Max number of port-blocks that anyone subscriber can use at any one time. Configurable. |
Logging: | |
Log port-block allocation | No longer in-use. |
Log all | No longer in-use. |
Translation Mappings: | |
Active | Active mappings. The number of active mappings should be approximately equal to the number of CGNAT sessions. |
Total requests | Total mapping requests |
Ok | Total mapping request ok ('total reqs' - 'failures') |
Failed | Total mapping request failures |
Port Block Allocation: | |
Active | Active port-blocks |
Total | Total port-block allocation requests |
Total freed | Total port-blocks that have been released |
Total Failures | Total port-block allocation request failures |
Failures exceeding max | Port-block request failures caused by a subscriber reaching the max port-blocks per subscriber limit |
show cgnat policy
v@vm-rtr2-1:~$ show cgnat policy
Policy: POLICY1
Match address-group SRC_MATCH1 (1)
Address-range to
Interface dp0p1s2
Priority 10
Pool POOL1
Log all sessions No
Log select sessions LOG_GRP1 (0)
Log session start Yes
Log session end Yes
Log session periodically No
Active subscribers 2
Active sessions ~2
Sessions created ~2
Sessions destroyed ~0
Active sub-sessions ~4
Sub-sessions created ~4
Sub-sessions destroyed ~0
Out, packets ~12
bytes ~336
In, packets ~0
bytes ~0
unknown source ~0
Max Session Rates:
Subscriber Max Rate Time 1 2020-03-30 09:39:07 +0000 1 2020-03-30 09:39:07 +0000
Counts marked with a tilde (~) are approximate since they are only updated approximately every 20 secs from similar counts in the subscriber data structures.
Policy: POLICY1 | Policy name is "POLICY1" |
Match address-group | Name of address-group that is used to match subscriber addresses. The address-group internal ID is in brackets. The prefix, address, and address-range sub-sections show the specific config items for the group. |
Prefix | |
Address | |
Address-range | |
Interface | Interface that the policy is applied to |
Priority | The policy priority determines the order in which multiple policies on the same interface are examined. Lowest numerical value is highest priority. |
Pool | The NAT pool of public addresses to use for CGNAT mappings |
Log all sessions | Status of the per-policy log config. This has been deprecated. It is replaced by the "service nat cgnat log event session" global command |
Log select sessions | Deprecated |
Active subscribers | Count of currently active subscribers that have matched on this policy. |
Active sessions | Approximate number of current active 3-tuple sessions created via this policy. |
Sessions created | Total number of main sessions created by subscribers matching this policy. |
Sessions destroyed | Total main sessions destroyed. |
Active sub-sessions | Approximate number of current active sub-sessions created via this policy. (sub-sessions are the dest addr/port sessions that are per main session). Calculated from 'sub-sessions created' minus 'sub-sessions destroyed'. |
Sub-sessions created | Total number of sub-sessions created by subscribers matching this policy. |
Sub-sessions destroyed | Total sub-sessions destroyed. |
Out, packets | Total outbound translated pkts for subscribers matching this policy |
bytes | Total outbound bytes (IP header and payload) for subscribers matching this policy |
In, packets | Total inbound translated pkts for subscribers matching this policy |
bytes | Total inbound bytes (IP header and payload) for subscribers matching this policy |
unknown source | Counts inbound packets whose dest address and port have matched a session, but whose source address and port have failed to match a sub-session. Only applies when sub-sessions are being recorded for this session. |
Max Session Rates: | List of (up to) five subscribers with highest session creation rates. The rate and timestamp that rate occurred are shown. |
show cgnat subscriber
A data record is maintained in CGNAT for each active subscriber. This persists as long as there are active sessions for that subscriber in the session table. Once all sessions have expired, and all port-blocks returned to their parent public addresses, then the subscriber data record will expire between 20-40 seconds later.
Once the last port-block has expired from a subscriber record then the link with the paired public address will be removed. The next time that subscriber requires a mapping then its likely that a different public address will be paired with the subscriber.
v@vm-rtr-1:~$ show cgnat subscriber
Possible completions:
<Enter> Execute the current command
<IPv4-address> An IPv4 address
<IPv4-address>/<mask-len> An IPv4 address with mask length
detail Show detailed CGNAT subscriber information |
This shows two subscribers. has one 3-tuple sessions only, and no sub-sessions. has one 3-tuple session and four sub-sessions,
v@vm-rtr2-1:~$ show cgnat subscriber
Subscriber Paired Addr Sessions Blks Ports Map Reqs Map Fails Duration 1 1 1 1 0 00:01:37 (hh:mm:ss) 1/4 1 1 1 0 00:01:37 (hh:mm:ss) |
v@vm-rtr2-1:~$ show cgnat subscriber detail
Paired address
Duration 00:01:46 (hh:mm:ss)
Expired No
Active sessions 1
Sessions created 1
Sessions destroyed 0
Session rate: Current Maximum
20 secs 0 1 (2020-03-30 09:39:07 +0000)
1 minute 0 1 (2020-03-30 09:39:07 +0000)
5 minutes 1
Active sub-sessions 0
Sub-sessions created 0
Sub- sessions destroyed 0
Mapping requests 1
Ok 1
Failed 0
Out, packets ~4
bytes ~112
In, packets ~0
bytes ~0
unknown source ~0
Port blocks 1
Ports in-use: Active Block number:
TCP 0/128 0
UDP 1/128 0
Other 0/128 0
Block Public Address Port Range Total Used (tcp/udp/other)
0 1024-1151 128 1 (0/1/0)
v@vm-rtr2-1:~$ show cgnat subscriber detail
Paired address
Duration 00:01:51 (hh:mm:ss)
Expired No
Active sessions 1
Sessions created 1
Sessions destroyed 0
Session rate: Current Maximum
20 secs 0 1 (2020-03-30 09:39:07 +0000)
1 minute 0 1 (2020-03-30 09:39:07 +0000)
5 minutes 1
Active sub-sessions 4
Sub-sessions created 4
Sub- sessions destroyed 0
Mapping requests 1
Ok 1
Failed 0
Out, packets ~8
bytes ~224
In, packets ~0
bytes ~0
unknown source ~0
Port blocks 1
Ports in-use: Active Block number:
TCP 0/128 0
UDP 1/128 0
Other 0/128 0
Block Public Address Port Range Total Used (tcp/udp/other)
0 1024-1151 128 1 (0/1/0)
Paired address | The public address 'paired' to this subscriber (note that the same public address can be paired to more than one subscriber) |
Duration | How long this subscriber has active sessions |
Expired | The subscriber data structure is expired a short time after all sessions for that subscriber have closed. This field will display 'Yes' for a short time before the subscriber data structure is freed. |
Active sessions | Current active sessions. Calculated from 'created minus destroyed'. |
Sessions created | Total number of sessions created |
Sessions destroyed | Total number of sessions destroyed |
Sessions rate | Sessions creation rates. We record the number of sessions created every 20 sec period for the last 5 mins. The sessions rates for the three periods is determined from this. |
20 secs | |
1 minute | |
5 minutes | |
Active sub-sessions | Current active sub-sessions. Calculated from 'created minus destroyed'. |
Sub-sessions created | Total number of sub-sessions created |
Sub-sessions destroyed | Total number of sub-sessions destroyed |
Mapping requests | Total number of mapping requests made by this subscriber |
Ok | Successful mapping requests |
Failed | Unsuccessful mapping requests |
Out, packets | Total outbound translated pkts for this subscriber |
bytes | |
In, packets | Total inbound translated pkts for this subscriber |
bytes | |
unknown source | Counts inbound packets whose dest address and port have matched a session, but whose source address and port have failed to match a sub-session. Only applies when sub-sessions are being recorded for this session. |
Port blocks | Number of port-blocks in-use by this subscriber |
Ports in-use | Ports in-use per-protocol out of total ports currently available. For example, '1/128' means that 1 port is in-use out of the 128 available to this subscriber. |
Active Block number | Each port-block of a public-address has 'block number'. This field denotes from which port-block that ports are currently being allocated. |
The following is displayed for each port-block assigned to the subscriber:
Block | Port block number |
Public Address | Public addess the port-block was allocated from (currently these will be the same for all port-blocks on a subscriber) |
Port Range | The range of ports this port-block contains |
Total | Number of ports in the port-block |
Used | How many ports are in-use per protocol. |
If a port-block representing ports 1024-1151 is assigned to a subscriber then each port in that port-block is available for TCP, UDP and 'other'. In other words, a TCP session can use port 10124, a separate UDP session can also use 1024, and an ICMP echo-request could use ID 10124.
show cgnat public
This shows the CGNAT public addresses. These are assigned out of the NAT pool attached to the CGNAT policy.
v@vm-rtr-1:~$ show cgnat public
Possible completions:
<Enter> Execute the current command
<IPv4-address> An IPv4 address
<IPv4-address>/<mask-len> An IPv4 address with mask length
detail Show detailed CGNAT public address information |
v@vm-rtr-1:~$ show cgnat public
Public Address Port Range #Prts Blks Used Blk Port range TCP UDP Other 1024-65535 64512 2/504 0 1024-1151 0 128 0
1 1152-1279 0 1 0 |
v@vm-rtr-1:~$ show cgnat public detail
Public Address Port Range #Prts Blks Used Blk Port range Proto Ports Bitmaps 1024-65535 64512 2/504 0 1024-1151 tcp 0 0x0000000000000000
udp 128 0xffffffffffffffff
other 0 0x0000000000000000
1 1152-1279 tcp 0 0x0000000000000000
udp 1 0x0000000000000001
other 0 0x0000000000000000
0x0000000000000000 |
Public Address | The public address obtained from the NAT pool configured in the CGNAT policy |
Port Range | The total port range available on this address |
#Prts | Number of ports in the above port range |
Blks Used | Number of port blocks in-use and the total number of port blocks |
Blk | Block number. This applies to the fields to the right in the table |
Port range | Port range for this block |
Proto | Each port block contains three mapping spaces, one for each derived protocol type |
Ports | Number of ports being used by this protocol on this address |
Bitmaps | Bitmaps of which ports are currently in use in the port-block. Once all ports for all protocols of any port-block are released, then the port-block is freed. For example, for port range 1024-1151 a bitmap of 0x0000000000000005 means that the 1st and 3rd ports of that range are in-use, i.e. ports 1024 and 1026. |
show cgnat session
v@vm-rtr-1:~$ show cgnat session
Possible completions:
<Enter> Execute the current command
count The requested number of entries to return
destination-address Match destination IPv4 address with optional mask
destination-port Match destination port
detail Show detailed session information
exclude-inner Exclude inner per-destination sessions
interface Match interface name
pool Match pool name
protocol Match protocol
public-address Match public IPv4 address with optional mask
public-port Match public port
session-id Match session identifier
sub-session-id Match sub-session identifier
subscriber-address Match subscriber IPv4 address with optional mask
subscriber-port Match subscriber port
unordered Return sessions unordered |
v@vm-rtr2-1:~$ show cgnat session
Subscriber Public Destination
ID Proto State Address Port Address Port Intf Address Port Timeout PktOut PktIn
1.0 udp OP 3001 1024 dp0p1s2 - 80 83 4 0
2.1 udp OP 4001 1024 dp0p1s2 9 83 2 0
2.2 udp OP 4001 1024 dp0p1s2 10 83 2 0
2.3 udp OP 4001 1024 dp0p1s2 11 83 2 0
2.4 udp OP 4001 1024 dp0p1s2 12 83 2 0 |
3-tuple session:
v@vm-rtr2-1:~$ show cgnat session subscriber-address detail
Session ID: 1.0, State: Opening, Expired: No/-
Interface: dp0p1s2
Policy name: POLICY1
NAT pool: POOL1
Timeout: 69 (max 240)
Duration: 00:03:00 (hh:mm:ss)
Start time: 2020-03-30 09:38:53
Initial dest port: 80
Mapping: |
Out: --> any, Proto: udp
packets: 4, bytes: 112
In: any -->, Proto: udp
packets: 0, bytes: 0
unknown source: 0 |
5-tuple session:
v@vm-rtr2-1:~$ show cgnat session subscriber-address destination-port 9 detail
Session ID: 2.1, State: Opening, Expired: No/No
Interface: dp0p1s2
Policy name: POLICY1
NAT pool: POOL1
Timeout: 55 (max 240)
Duration: 00:03:20 (hh:mm:ss)
Start time: 2020-03-30 09:39:18
Initial dest port: 9
Mapping: |
Out: -->, Proto: udp
packets: ~2, bytes: ~56
In: -->, Proto: udp
packets: ~0, bytes: ~0 |
Session ID | This of the form 'x.y', where 'x' is the main session (3-tuple session) and 'y' is the sub-session (dest addr and port). If no sub-sessions are being recorded then 'x' will be 0. |
State | One of: Closed, Opening, Established, or Transitory. TCP sessions have additional states: Client-FIN-Rcv, Server-FIN-Rcv, and CS-FIN-Rcv. |
Expired | Expired state of session and sub-session |
Interface | Interface the session was created on |
Policy name | Parent CGNAT policy that created the session |
NAT pool | NAT pool from which the public address mapping was obtained |
Timeout | Seconds remaining before the session will timeout. An eligible packet will set this time back to the max value. Eligible packets are any outbound packet that is not one of: TCP reset, any ICMP packet except echo request. |
Duration | How long the session has been in existence |
Start time | Date and time the session was created |
Initial dest port | This is the destination port of the pkt that created the session. (This is redundant information when destination address and port sub-sessions are being recorded. See 'Out' below) |
Mapping | Format: 'subscriber addr and port' | 'Public addr and port', |
Out | Outbound source addr/port and destination addr/port before translation |
packets | Outbound packet and byte counts |
In | Inbound source addr/port and destination addr/port before translation. |
packets | Inbound packet and byte counts |