Creating a DANOS 1908 ISO using binary packages
These instructions are for building an ISO of DANOS 1908 only. Later releases have different instructions available at .
1. Setup Debian 10 Virtual machine to build DANOS
Download and install a Debian 10 virtual machine (or another preferred form of creating a Debian 10 build environment), then log into it.
Install the image build dependencies:
2. Obtain the livebuild configuration and package-lists from DANOS repository and Build
Install all the required build dependencies of your custom package(s) and build it(them). Instructions on how to do so are out of the scope of this document.
You can find the exact file name for the tarball on the repository
Create an archives directory under ./config:
Obtain the list of source repositories required by the DANOS project:
If any additional packages are required to be added to the DANOS image:
Make the changes to the configuration to allow building a DANOS image based on Debian9 (Required for building 1908 but not required for later releases)
Run the configuration and build script
Once the build finishes, a live-bootable hybrid EFI/legacy BIOS image and an ONIE image, together with metadata, will be found in the working directory: