Installing DANOS

Installing DANOS

The DANOS virtual router ISO only supports KVM, VMware or on a bare metal x86 system with supported NICs. It has some support for support for VirtualBox for demonstrations and training with the latest virtio-net Adapter-type (see the How-To Installing DANOS on Virtual Box after reviewing this wiki page_.

The virtual machine host must support Supplemental Streaming SIMD Extensions 3 (SSSE3). You can run the command grep ssse3 /proc/cpuinfo on the host machine to check for support for the feature.

Ensure that you have a minimum of 4 GB of free disk space on the system, however 8 GB of free disk space is recommended for a production installation.

Ensure that you have a minimum of 2 GB of RAM on the system, however 4 GB of RAM is recommended.

The data plane supports from 2 to 128 CPUs. At least 4 CPUs are recommended for optimum performance.

If you are prompted to login prior to running install image the username and password will depend on which version of DANOS you are using. If you are using DANOS-1908 the username is vyatta and the password is vyatta. If you are using DANOS-2005 the username is tmpuser and the password is tmppwd.

Instructions using Virt Manager

  1. select “Local install media (ISO image or CDROM)”, Architecture = x86_64

  2. navigate to location of previously downloaded ISO image, OS type = Linux, Version = Debian Stretch

  3. Memory RAM = 4096, CPUs = 4

  4. Create a disk image for the virtual machine = 8 GB

  5. Name = DANOS, check the “Customize configuration before install” checkbox. Click “Finish”

In the Advanced options:

  • select the virtual network type that best meets your needs.

  • CPUs - Configuration should have “Copy host CPU configuration” selected

Select “Begin Installation”

DANOS will live boot and drop into a shell. DANOS can then be installed inside the VM by typing install image

If in doubt accept the default response to the installation questions. You will be asked to create an administrator account by supplying a username and password. Type yes when asked to “Continue”.

Type reboot

Login to the system.

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